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Hyperledger Fabric – An All-Inclusive Guide

Daljit Singh


Daljit Singh

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June 28, 2023

Hyperledger Fabric – An All-Inclusive Guide
Daljit Singh


Daljit Singh

linkedin profile


June 28, 2023

Table of Contents

Hyperledger Fabric, since its initial launch in 2017 with version 1.0, has gained substantial recognition and acclaim within the developer community.

The creators of Hyperledger Fabric’s architecture have made remarkable efforts to differentiate their product from other similar tools in the industry, setting it apart in a highly competitive landscape.

Their diligent work has yielded fruitful outcomes, as each subsequent version of Hyperledger Fabric has brought significant improvements and innovative features, driven by valuable insights from industry and community feedback. This open-source solution’s distinctive attributes have contributed to its widespread adoption by leading cloud services providers, including IBM, Oracle, AWS, Google, Alibaba, Azure, and Huawei, among others.

It is worth noting that Forbes’ list of top 50 Blockchain development companies highlights the fact that 30 of them have already embraced Hyperledger frameworks and tools, underscoring its undeniable impact and relevance in the market.

Without further delay, let’s delve into the heart of the matter. If you are deeply immersed in the distributed ledger technology (DLT) landscape and are eager to explore the intricacies of Hyperledger Fabric’s mechanism, this blog post is thoughtfully tailored to cater to your specific needs.

What is Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric, purpose-built for enterprise-grade applications, stands out with its modular architecture, permissioned network, and the inclusion of smart contract functionality, referred to as “chaincode.”

  • This platform offers a robust framework that emphasizes security, privacy, and scalability, catering to the diverse needs of enterprises. It enables the development of customized blockchain solutions tailored to specific use cases across a wide range of industries, including finance, supply chain, and healthcare.

  • Operating as a network of nodes, each with dedicated functions, Hyperledger Fabric efficiently executes critical operations such as transaction validation, ledger maintenance, and chain code execution. This distributed model ensures optimized performance and facilitates seamless collaboration within the network.

  • Transactions within Hyperledger Fabric undergo a rigorous validation and ordering process, facilitated by a consensus mechanism. This mechanism guarantees the integrity and consistency of the ledger, enabling reliable and trustworthy record-keeping.

Overall, Hyperledger Fabric empowers enterprises with a comprehensive and flexible blockchain platform, equipped to address the unique challenges and requirements of the modern business landscape.

How does Hyperledger Fabric Work?

Within a Hyperledger Fabric network, multiple distinct organizations collaborate and interact with one another. These organizations can vary, ranging from financial institutions in a banking network to shipping partners in a supply chain network. Each organization in the network possesses its own unique identity and is equipped with essential Fabric components, including a Fabric certificate authority and one or more peer nodes.

An organization’s identity is established through a root certificate specific to that particular entity. Certificates derived from this root certificate are utilized to identify users and other components within the organization. This ensures that other organizations within the network can associate users with their respective organizations. Moreover, these certificates define the permissions granted to each entity, differentiating between read-only access and full access on a channel.

The Fabric certificate authority (CA) acts as the repository for the root certificate of an organization. It is responsible for issuing certificates to users within the organization and overseeing related operations. In enterprise-grade setups, the Fabric CA employs various components and can be deployed using a Hardware Security Module (HSM) to safeguard the root certificate.

Furthermore, organizations create one or more peer nodes as functional components to carry out essential operations on behalf of that organization. These peer nodes play multiple roles, including endorsing proposed transactions on the network, storing and executing smart contract code (referred to as chain code within Fabric), and maintaining a local copy of the ledger for efficient access. Fabric clients typically interact with peer nodes for tasks such as ledger reading, adding new chain codes to the network, or proposing new transactions.

On top of this, a Fabric network incorporates an ordering service that is shared by all network members. The primary function of the ordering service is to ensure the appropriate ordering of new transactions into blocks and to verify the endorsements. Once a new block of transactions is finalized, the ordering service broadcasts it to the peer nodes across each organization. The peer nodes then update their local copy of the ledger with the information contained in the newly received block.

In summary, a Hyperledger Fabric network thrives on the collaboration of diverse organizations, each equipped with crucial components. These components, including the Fabric certificate authority, peer nodes, and the ordering service, collectively enable seamless and secure operations within the network.

Hyperledger Fabric Workflow

The process of workflow within a Hyperledger Fabric network unfolds as follows:

htperledger fabric workflow


A client application commences the transaction by submitting a transaction proposal to the peers situated in each organization, seeking their endorsement.

Endorsement: The peers perform multiple verification steps, including authentication of the submitting client’s identity and authorization to submit the transaction. Subsequently, they simulate the proposed transaction’s outcome and compare it against the expected result. If the simulated outcome aligns with the expectations, the peers furnish an endorsement signature to the client.

Endorsement Collection

The client gathers endorsements from the respective peers. Once the client receives the required number of endorsements specified in the endorsement policy, it proceeds to send the transaction to the ordering service.

Ordering and Validation

The ordering service undertakes an assessment to ensure that the transaction satisfies the endorsement policy’s endorsement count criteria. It then proceeds to arrange the approved transactions chronologically and assemble them into blocks. These blocks are subsequently transmitted to the peer nodes within each organization. Upon receiving new blocks of transactions from the ordering service, the peer nodes conduct a final validation check on the contained transactions. Upon successful validation, the new block is appended to the ledger, thereby updating the ledger’s state. At this point, the new transactions are officially committed.

In summary, the workflow in a Hyperledger Fabric network encompasses the client’s submission of a work proposal, endorsement verification by the peers, collection of endorsements, transmission to the ordering service, chronological ordering and packaging into blocks, validation by peer nodes, and ultimately the addition of the validated transactions to the ledger, signifying their commitment.

Hyperledger Fabric Architecture & Components

hyperledger fabric

1. Peer Nodes

The nodes serve as fundamental components of the network and assume responsibility for maintaining a synchronized copy of the distributed ledger. These nodes actively engage in the crucial processes of transaction validation and endorsement.

Among the peer nodes, two distinct types exist: endorsing peers and committing peers.

Each plays a unique role in the overall functioning of the network, contributing to the seamless execution and integrity of transactions within the Hyperledger Fabric ecosystem.

2. Membership Services Provider (MSP)

The Membership Service Provider (MSP) plays a pivotal role in managing identity and access control policies for network participants.

It meticulously oversees the authorization, authentication, and encryption processes, guaranteeing that only authorized entities possess the privileges to engage in specific actions within the network.

By efficiently handling these crucial aspects, the MSP reinforces a secure and trustworthy environment within the Hyperledger Fabric network, upholding the integrity and confidentiality of participants’ interactions and data.

3. Ordering Service

The consensus service plays a vital role in achieving agreement on transaction orders and generating blocks for incorporation into the ledger.

By ensuring consistent transaction ordering across the network, this service promotes reliability and synchronization within the Hyperledger Fabric ecosystem.

Notably, Hyperledger Fabric offers a diverse range of ordering mechanisms, including solo ordering, Kafka-based ordering, and Raft-based ordering.

These options provide organizations with flexibility in selecting the most suitable consensus mechanism that aligns with their specific needs and requirements, fostering a robust and efficient transactional environment.

4. Chaincode

Chaincode, commonly referred to as smart contracts in Hyperledger Fabric, encapsulates the essential business logic of an application. It serves as the governing framework that establishes rules and conditions for executing transactions within the network.

Chaincode enables developers to leverage their expertise in programming languages such as Go, Java, or Node.js to construct this vital logic. Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric enables each organization within the network to independently deploy its own chaincode, fostering a decentralized and customizable approach to meet specific organizational requirements.

As a result, the modularity ensures that the chaincode aligns precisely with the unique needs of each participant, promoting flexibility and seamless integration within the broader network.

5. Channels

Channels in Hyperledger Fabric serve as discrete and confidential sub-networks within the larger network infrastructure. They facilitate the creation of isolated environments where diverse organizations can engage in private and confidential transactions.

By leveraging channels, participants can selectively share and transact on specific data without the need to disclose it to the entire network. This inherent privacy feature empowers organizations to establish secure and exclusive spaces for collaboration, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information while promoting efficient and controlled data sharing within designated subsets of the network.

6. Ledger

Within Hyperledger Fabric, the ledger has created an immutable and comprehensive record of all executed transactions.

Moreover, this is achieved through the utilization of a dual structure comprising the world state and the transaction log. The world state captures the most up-to-date values of assets, while the transaction log chronologically captures a sequential history of all transactions. This synergistic combination empowers the network to efficiently query and access the ledger, enabling rapid and accurate retrieval of transactional information.

Harnessing this robust ledger structure, Hyperledger Fabric enhances transparency, accountability, and traceability, thereby bolstering the overall integrity and effectiveness of the blockchain network.

7. Consensus mechanism

Hyperledger Fabric is distinguished by its adoption of a pluggable consensus mechanism, affording enterprises the flexibility to select the consensus algorithm that best aligns with their specific requirements.

This unique feature enables organizations to tailor the consensus process according to their desired levels of trust and performance. Fabric offers a spectrum of options, ranging from traditional Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) algorithms to more efficient mechanisms like Kafka.

Such adaptability empowers enterprises to achieve consensus in a manner that optimally supports their individual needs, ensuring both reliability and efficient performance in their blockchain initiatives.

8. External Chaincode Launcher

Hyperledger Fabric offers a seamless interface that enables organizations to effortlessly engage with external chaincode, thereby facilitating the integration of their existing systems and legacy applications.

Resulting to this, the strategic capability empowers enterprises to leverage their current infrastructure while concurrently harnessing the advanced features and functionalities provided by Hyperledger Fabric.

By bridging the gap between disparate systems, organizations can unlock new opportunities for synergy and efficiency, optimizing their operational landscape and capitalizing on the unique advantages offered by the Hyperledger Fabric architecture.

Advantages of Harnessing Hyperledger Fabric for Enterprises

Hyperledger Fabric emerges as a strategic tool for enterprises seeking to increase operational efficiency and streamline workflows within their ongoing business activities. This promising technology offers a diverse array of advantages, which can significantly transform business operations. Exploring the breadth of benefits it offers.

Permissioned Network 

Fabric networks operate as permissioned networks, ensuring that the identities of all participating members are authenticated and known.

This characteristic holds significant value, particularly in industries such as healthcare, supply chain, banking, and insurance, where safeguarding data from unauthorized entities is of paramount importance.

For instance, within a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network, an insurance company can securely share customer claim data exclusively with authorized parties, thereby upholding stringent customer privacy measures.

Enhanced Security

Hyperledger Fabric leverages a permissioned blockchain network, where participant identities are authenticated and authorized, thereby bolstering security and mitigating the risk of unauthorized activities.

This approach ensures that only trusted entities gain access and engagement within the network, enhancing overall security posture.

Moreover, Fabric’s support for channels enables the establishment of discrete, private sub-networks within the primary network, augmenting data privacy and confidentiality measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Scalability and Performance

Hyperledger Fabric has been purposefully engineered to accommodate high transaction throughput and possesses the ability to scale horizontally as the network expands.

Its modular architecture empowers efficient transaction execution, parallel processing, and distributed consensus, all of which contribute to its exceptional scalability and performance characteristics.

These attributes render Hyperledger Fabric well-suited for enterprise applications that necessitate the handling of substantial transaction volumes, thus ensuring seamless operational continuity and optimized performance.


Hyperledger Fabric presents enterprises with a highly adaptable and modular framework, empowering them to tailor their blockchain networks according to their precise business requirements.

Considering this, flexibility enables organizations to align the technology with their unique needs and goals. Notably, Fabric facilitates the use of smart contracts written in multiple programming languages, enabling developers to leverage their existing skill sets and seamlessly integrate with established systems.

In addition, the versatility allows enterprises to capitalize on their current expertise and infrastructure while harnessing the benefits of blockchain technology.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Hyperledger Fabric empowers organizations with thorough control over data privacy and confidentiality, offering granular precision in managing access to information.

Through the network’s capabilities, enterprises can establish precise access controls and selectively share data with specific participants, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized exposure.

Private transactions and channels further enhance confidentiality measures by ensuring that only authorized entities can access and view sensitive data. This level of security enables enterprises to foster secure collaboration and information sharing on the blockchain, preserving the utmost confidentiality and trust in their operations.

Robust Governance

Hyperledger Fabric presents enterprises with a robust set of governance capabilities, enabling them to establish well-defined rules and policies for participants within their network.

Following this, the comprehensive governance framework empowers organizations to exercise control over their data and operations, even in the context of consortium networks involving multiple collaborating entities.

Fabric’s governance features facilitate efficient management, streamlined auditing processes, and adherence to regulatory requirements. This ensures a structured and compliant environment for enterprises leveraging blockchain technology, fostering transparency, accountability, and effective governance practices throughout their operations.

Enterprise Support and Community

Hyperledger Fabric, as an open-source initiative supported by the esteemed Linux Foundation, enjoys the support of a thriving and engaged community comprising developers, contributors, and enterprise adopters.

As a result, the ecosystem remains committed to providing unwavering support, continuous advancement, and an abundance of resources to enterprises leveraging Hyperledger Fabric.

Through active collaboration and collective expertise, this community safeguards the long-term viability and sustainability of the platform, instilling unwavering confidence in enterprises embarking on their blockchain initiatives.

Modular architecture

Hyperledger Fabric boasts a highly modular architecture that empowers enterprises to seamlessly integrate and customize their blockchain infrastructure.

With its plug-and-play approach, Fabric allows organizations to selectively incorporate various components, including identity services, membership services, and storage solutions, based on their specific requirements. With the capabilities of modular design, it ensures smooth interoperability and simplifies the integration of Hyperledger Fabric into existing enterprise ecosystems.

By leveraging this adaptability, organizations can seamlessly align blockchain technology with their established infrastructure, fostering a cohesive and efficient operational environment.

Business Use Cases For Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric showcases its versatility by enhancing security, scalability, and privacy across a multitude of applications. Moreover, it finds relevance in numerous use cases, where its implementation can drive substantial value and impact.

use cases of hyperledger fabric

1. Contract Validation

Many enterprises with extensive branch networks and partnerships can establish an ecosystem leveraging a private blockchain platform like Hyperledger Fabric. This technological approach offers numerous advantages, particularly when it comes to managing contracts that require specific actions upon expiration, such as issuing invoices or contract renewal. Currently, these actions are often carried out manually or through partially automated processes, leading to integration challenges and data silos within the company’s infrastructure.

By leveraging a blockchain network, companies can benefit from a unified and transparent repository for storing all relevant information consistently. This eliminates the need for disparate systems and promotes data accessibility across the organization.

Furthermore, blockchain smart contracts can be utilized to automatically trigger new actions when contracts expire, adapting their behavior based on the type of asset involved and accommodating diverse scenarios such as product or service delivery, which may differ from traditional inventory sales.

Incorporating contract validation features into the blockchain network can also integrate seamlessly with other functionalities such as invoice management and internal payments. Transparency and trust among various stakeholders represent major challenges for large corporations.

However, by implementing a private and permissioned blockchain alongside traditional IT solutions, these issues can be effectively addressed. When designing software solutions for multiple entities, it is crucial to consider a consensus mechanism that balances operational efficiency with cost considerations, as the commonly employed Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism can entail significant expenses.

2. Supply Chain Network & Origin Tracking  

Supply chain tracking represents a highly promising application of a tamper-proof audit trail, leveraging blockchain technology.

We firmly believe that the potential for technological disruption is substantial in this domain, with the coffee supply chain serving as an impactful starting point. Through the development of a fully-fledged coffee supply chain solution named Ifinca, we have explored the role of a blockchain-based platform in creating a transparent, traceable & efficient coffee supply chain. This enables the validation of product shipments from legitimate sources and ensures that they have traversed the supply chain under optimal conditions.

Furthermore, blockchain technology holds additional potential in the supply chain sector, particularly in food tracking. Similar to the coffee industry, the adoption of a blockchain-powered supply platform can empower regulators to validate the authenticity of food products, such as confirming the appropriate harvesting practices for fish and verifying the accuracy of species claims made on the packaging.

Moreover, in the event of foodborne illness outbreaks, retailers can swiftly identify the exact farm from which a specific batch of spinach originated, as well as trace its transportation history. This capability enables expedited containment measures, enhancing consumer safety and bolstering public health efforts.

By embracing blockchain in supply chain industry, enterprises can establish an unalterable record of product origins and their subsequent journeys, thereby engendering trust, mitigating risks, and fostering operational resilience throughout the value chain.

3. Incorporation of Hyperledger in Commission Management Processes 

Hyperledger permissions blockchain initiatives not only offer benefits in streamlining invoice processing but also exhibit potential in effectively managing commissions. By leveraging the capabilities of Hyperledger Fabric, conglomerates operating across multiple countries can address the challenges associated with commission or referral payment management, thereby ensuring transparency and accuracy.

Conglomerates often encounter complexities when dealing with partners utilizing disparate accounting systems, providing data of subpar quality with numerous duplicates, or intentionally misrepresenting commission information. In such scenarios, the implementation of an application built on Hyperledger Fabric can play a pivotal role in establishing order and resolving these issues.

The utilization of a permission blockchain solution provides a robust framework for tracking commissions, offering a comprehensive and auditable history of accepted work and corresponding payments. This functionality proves especially valuable for conglomerates, as it grants them a clear overview of commission-related activities across their diverse network of partners. By establishing a trusted and immutable record, the blockchain application facilitates accurate commission management, ensuring fair and equitable compensation for all stakeholders involved.

The integration of Hyperledger Fabric into commission management processes harmonizes disparate systems, improves data quality, and mitigates the risk of intentional malpractice. This transformative technology enables conglomerates to enhance operational efficiency, bolster partner relationships, and foster a culture of trust and accountability within their commission management practices.

4. Processing of Invoice 

Many multinational corporations face significant challenges when it comes to managing the intricacies of invoice processing. Manual methods employed by certain branches within these organizations often lead to a convoluted and cumbersome process.

Moreover, centralized record-keeping systems can hinder transparency and create chaos when access is not shared among organizational entities.

To address these issues, blockchain enterprise systems utilizing advanced technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric offer a compelling solution. By consolidating all generated records within a single platform, this blockchain network ensures that any modifications or additions made to the records are visible to all participants.

As a result, the integrity of the invoicing process is preserved, enabling enhanced transparency and efficiency across the conglomerate.

5. Insurance Claims Processing

The insurance industry incurs significant financial losses each year due to fraudulent activities, amounting to billions of dollars. However, the implementation of Hyperledger Fabric presents an effective solution for insurance companies to combat this issue.

By referencing transaction data stored on the ledger, insurers can leverage the power of blockchain technology to identify duplicate or falsified claims, thereby reducing fraudulent activities.

Furthermore, the utilization of smart contracts enables the automation of multi-party subrogation claims processing, expediting the repayment process from the at-fault party back to the insurance company.

Additionally, Hyperledger Fabric facilitates the streamlining of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes by securely storing customer data on a distributed ledger and automating the verification of their identity documents through smart contracts. These transformative applications of Hyperledger Fabric contribute to enhanced operational efficiency, reduced fraud-related losses, and improved risk management for insurers.

6. Tamper-Proof Audit Trail

The primary objective of blockchains is evident—they serve as a means to create an immutable and transparent record of transactions, accessible to all interested parties. Whether implemented within a public blockchain like Ethereum or a closed network such as the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Fabric, the underlying motivation remains largely consistent: to gather and maintain reliable information pertaining to various asset types.

However, the precise rationale behind leveraging blockchain technology is not yet fully elucidated.

Enthusiastic proponents often assert that blockchain will serve as a panacea for all global challenges, which, admittedly, is an overly optimistic perspective. The fundamental reason to adopt a blockchain system is to establish an auditable trail of activities, particularly when trust among collaborating entities is uncertain.

In cases where data sharing occurs exclusively among trusted parties or involves minimal data exchange, considerations such as consensus mechanisms and smart business-to-business contracts become less relevant.

In such instances, employing a conventional database suffices as a more practical choice.

7. Healthcare Data Management

Hyperledger Fabric empowers the establishment of secure and interoperable healthcare data management systems. This cutting-edge technology guarantees the utmost privacy and data integrity, while simultaneously facilitating efficient access and exchange of patient information among authorized parties, including healthcare providers and insurers.

Additionally, it offers robust support for consent management and ensures adherence to stringent data protection regulations, thereby establishing a foundation of trust and compliance in the healthcare sector.

8. Identity and Access Management

Hyperledger Fabric offers a resilient framework for proficiently managing digital identities and controlling access to sensitive resources. By leveraging this powerful technology, organizations can establish secure and decentralized identity solutions, effectively mitigating the risks associated with identity theft, fraud, and unauthorized access.

This technology’s advantages are particularly evident in industries with stringent security requirements, such as finance, government, and healthcare, where the protection of digital identities is of paramount importance.

9. Intellectual Property Management

Harnessing Hyperledger Fabric presents a valuable opportunity to establish an immutable system for effectively managing intellectual property rights, encompassing patents, copyrights, and trademarks. This innovative technology enables the creation of transparent ownership records, streamlining licensing processes, and fostering traceability and accountability in the domain of intellectual property asset management.

With the implementation of hyperledger fabric, businesses can significantly enhance the integrity and efficiency of their intellectual property rights management, delivering tangible benefits to stakeholders across various industries.

10. Trade Finance 

Trading operations entail extensive collaboration among multiple entities, including importers, exporters, banks, shipping companies, and customs departments.

Hyperledger Fabric provides a seamless solution for financial and trading consortiums to establish a blockchain network, facilitating electronic transactions and streamlining the processing of trade-related documentation.

Resulting to this, a decentralized approach eliminates the necessity for a centralized trusted authority, fostering increased efficiency and transparency in trade operations. Unlike traditional processes that involve time-consuming back-and-forth exchanges of paperwork among stakeholders, the implementation of a Hyperledger Fabric network built using Managed Blockchain enables instant transaction processing.

This transformative technology has the potential to significantly enhance the speed, reliability, and security of trading operations, driving substantial value for all participants involved.

11. Financial Services

Hyperledger Fabric exhibits a wide array of compelling applications in the financial services sector, encompassing cross-border payments, securities trading, and regulatory reporting, among others. Leveraging this technology facilitates accelerated settlement processes, heightened transparency, diminished reliance on intermediaries, and notable enhancements in overall operational efficiency.

These aforementioned examples merely scratch the surface of the extensive business use cases where Hyperledger Fabric in blockchain can be successfully deployed. Its inherent flexibility and modular design render it apt for a diverse range of industries and scenarios necessitating secure, transparent, and efficient data management and collaboration.

FabDep – Debut’s Automated Hyperledger Fabric Deployment Tool

In the world of enterprise network management, our solution FabDep stands out as a robust and dependable system tailored specifically for Hyperledger Fabric. It offers a seamless deployment experience, requiring minimal human intervention.

Harnessing its user-friendly graphical interface businesses can swiftly configure and launch their blockchain fabric network on the cloud. FadDep caters exclusively to enterprises that aspire to leverage the potential of cloud technology, be it AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle, or even their own infrastructure, for the deployment of their blockchain components, data storage, and workload execution.

Moreover, FabDep empowers enterprises to effortlessly construct multiple distributed multi-cloud blockchain networks, thereby pivoting them to take advantage offered by various cloud virtual machines.

FabDep vs Competition

Blockchain technology has firmly established its presence and is here to stay for years to come. Consequently, businesses must acquire the necessary education and training to gain a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and limitations.

Making a well-informed decision about blockchain’s applicability in their business is vital for leveraging it effectively. In the table below, we make a comparison of FabDep against some of the hallmark names in the hyperledger fabric domain.

hyperledger fabric

How DebutInfotech Can Help You Incorporate Hyperledger Fabric in Your Business?

Debut Infotech is a top-notch hyperledger development company, that deploys best-in-class hyperledger-based solutions. Our team has extensive experience in the field and a deep understanding of the hyperledger fabric framework which helps you align it with your business requirements. Contact us to reach our experts and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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